FTA District Meeting

This year FTA (Future Teachers Of America) district meeting was held in Sturgeon yesterday, April 23rd. The FTA students had a very fun time getting there, they arrived at the middle school thinking it would be held there but really it was held at the highschool in Sturgeon. After finding this out the students were very upset since the bus driver had already left them. So they walked until they found the Harrisburg bus, Trey Cook (The treasurer for Harrisburg) ran towards the moving bus trying to get the bus driver’s attention. Eventually the students and Mrs. Duarte  loaded the bus again and headed to the highschool. Harrisburg had three students nominated for district officers. Grace Engleking and Trey Cook for presidents and Allison Hatfeild was nominated for vice president.  Trey Cook won president position so Harrisburg will be holding districts next year. The students did a great job representing Harrisburg and we look forward to holding districts next year. If you ever see Trey Cook congratulate him on his new position.